Our doctoral researchers introduce themselves. They are located at one of our partner sites and work on highly interdisciplinary projects. They are supervised by an individual thesis advisory committees consisting of the two PIs who initiated the doctoral project and a scientific co-advisor.

Martin ben Ahmed
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks in Computational Enzyme Engineering
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it provides a unique environment for state-of-the-art data science research in an interdisciplinary research field, supported by a strong network of doctoral researchers, PIs, alumnae, and coordinators.

Nazanin Bagherinejad
Doctoral Researcher HDS-LEE

I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
It gives me the opportunity to be part of a dynamic network of researchers to collaborate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other.

Christian Bergeest
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Data-Driven Approaches to Rational Designs of Covalent Drugs
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I would like to apply and expand my knowledge in the field of data science/artificial intelligence in the context of pharmaceutical issues. I appreciate the international and interdisciplinary environment and look forward to developing professionally and personally during the PhD project.

Niklas Böing
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Adaptive data reduction techniques for extreme-scale atmospheric models in climate simulation
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
the interdisciplinary environment and mentoring of HDS-LEE provide an excellent opportunity to extend my data science knowledge and to work collaboratively on future-oriented topics.

Ignasi Bofarull
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Integration of advanced machine learning techniques into end-to-end digital twins in the biopharmaceutical industry
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I see a tremendous opportunity to revolutionize biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes through advanced machine learning methodologies. By participating in HDS-LEE’s interdisciplinary mentoring program, I aim to learn and exchange ideas with leading data scientists across diverse fields. My ultimate goal is to translate these insights into innovations in pharmaceutical processes, which I believe are currently lagging behind those in other industries when it comes to the implementation of machine learning algorithms.

Philip Bröhl
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Methods for detection and clustering of neural activity patterns in massive data during visuo-motor processing
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to further deepen my knowledge and understanding in the field of artificial intelligence and data science in order to contribute to research in a meaningful way. Furthermore, I am looking forward to collaborating and exchanging ideas with fellow researchers.

Aytekin Demirci
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Data mining of Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD) simulations and machine learning to accelerate the design of new materials for extreme conditions
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I would like to be a part of the data science community that bridges diverse scientific disciplines. HDS-LEE provides researchers with great opportunities to share knowledge and ideas through a variety of courses and events.

Danimir Doncevic
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Optimal data-driven models for optimization-based design of energy systems
Prof. Alexander Mitsos, Ph. D.
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to be on the forefront of scientific and technological developments.

Christian Gerloff
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Machine Learning and Bayesian Methods in Neuroscience
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
It enables an intensive exchange of experiences and concepts in data science across various research communities. Thereby, it provides new perspectives and inspires new approaches for research and applied problems. At the same time, HDS-LEE offers PhD students in-depth training ranging from data engineering topics, such as data versioning, to method-related topics, such as hyperparameter optimization in deep learning.
View an article about his research at www.helmholtz-hida.de.

Jorge Guzmàn
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Structure identification of mesoscopic biological interaction networks from data
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it allows me to study complex systems on a highly interdisciplinary environment. The projects are cutting edge and there is a strong emphasis on the development of advanced computational skills, essential in any field of applied science.

Felicitas Kindel
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Identifying eukaryotic gene elements with Machine Learning
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I would like to utilize the vast knowledge of leading data scientists to further my skills in applying Machine Learning to predict eukaryotic gene elements. The prediction of these elements can then be used to accelerate the research progress in bioengineering, especially in plants.

Nick Kocher
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Reducing the energy footprint of AI systems
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
collaborating with excellent PhD students in an interdisciplinary environment provides a unique opportunity to foster creative solutions for the current research challenges in data science.

Cristiano Köhler
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
An approach to tracking the provenance of data acquisition and analysis in neuroscience
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to get training in data science in the context of my main scientific interest: neuroscience.

Sascha Korf
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Data-driven Agent-based modelling for infectious diseases
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it offers an excellent opportunity to work with other young and motivated researchers while working on a highly relevant and interesting research topic.

Natalie Kubicki
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Blood Flow: Bridging the Micro-Macro Gap Using Scientific Machine Learning
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I am looking forward to exchanging ideas with other young researchers and acquiring new knowledge in the field of data science. Also, I want to remain active in research and contribute to the newest developments in numerical modeling.

Joana Meyer
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Hybrid Modelling of Non-Autonomous Dynamics in Medicine
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
of the expert network and opportunities for stimulating discussions on innovative data science problems with fellow researchers.

Daniel Mayfrank
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Data-driven Dynamic Reduced-Order Modeling for Energy Systems Optimization
Prof. Alexander Mitsos, Ph. D.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Naumann
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I am fascinated by and want to learn more about the application of machine learning and optimization in various fields of research.

Johanna Menn
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Safe Learning for Automotive Control
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I am excited to expand my understanding of data science. I also value the exchange with fellow researchers from different fields in HDS-LEE to share ideas and experiences.

Soroush Motahari
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Machine Learning Enhanced Multi-Scale Modeling of Ice Deformation and Melting
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I joined the HDS-LEE program because it provides a precious opportunity to conduct my research under the supervision of the most professional and remarkably competent scholars in the field of data science.
On the other hand, through HDS-LEE program, It is feasible for me to be in touch with other young researchers working in the same academic area as mine

Buse Onay
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Scientific discovery in earth sciences utilizing machine learning technologies
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to contribute to improving our understanding of earth system processes by identifying previously unknown correlations using machine learning technologies.

Ankit Patnala
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Unsupervised Learning for Biogenic Emissions and their Interaction with Air Quality
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
HDS-LEE consists of students from different background and tackling vivid challenges of different sector. It gives other dimensions to our research and analytical skills for our research experience.

Richard Paul
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Uncertainty estimation in deep learning-based solutions for live cell imaging
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert
Prof. Dr. Ira Assent
Dr. Hanno Scharr
Dr. Katharina Nöh
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it allows me to dive deep into many different statistical and computational challenges and approaches while still producing practical and visible results. Also the constant exchange with like-minded researchers is super valuable!

Alessio Quercia
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Domain and task transfer learning methods for computational medicine
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it gives me the opportunity to delve into my research interests while being immersed in an interdisciplinary and international contest.

Jan Rittig
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Graph-Based Machine Learning for Computer-Aided Molecular Design
Prof. Alexander Mitsos, Ph. D.
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I like the idea of exchanging knowledge with young researchers from different research fields and combining the latest developments in data science with domain-specific knowledge to address current challenges in chemical and energy systems.
Watch my video about

Johannes Seiffarth
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Automated Quantitative Analysis for Microbial Live-Cell Imaging
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it gives me the opportunity to exchange, discuss and solve our data science challenges together. I am looking forward to making new friends, explore unknown fields of research and contribute to collaborative science.

Anna Simson
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Hybrid Data Assimilation for Applications in Cryosphere Physics
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to benefit from the trainings and the interdisciplinary supervision provided by the graduate school to advance my research.

Maximilian Siska
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Automatic Experimentation and Discovery in Bioprocess Development
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I am thrilled to work with inspiring researchers from a variety of disciplines. Together with my fellow members, I aim to develop shared Data Science methodology and apply it to my research in Life Sciences.

Vivek Srivastav
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
A Framework for meta Data Analysis and Interactive Exploration of large FAIR data sets
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
In our present world of automation, cloud computing, algorithms, artificial intelligence and big data, data science and machine learning are more relevant. This project is a collection of all of these expertise and requirements. HDS-LEE program is an excellent platform to expertise in all of these areas. I am fascinated with the blending of many different disciplines and dedicated to be an expert in this field with international exposure.

Ingo Steldermann
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Zoom into the shallow: Data-informed modeling of vertical structure in shallow flow
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
with HDS-LEE, I had the opportunity to connect my background in mathematical modelling and numerics with the rapidly growing field of data-driven process design. Also, taking courses in the field of data science offered by the graduate school looks like a fun way to get connected to other fellow researchers and learn new things at the same time.

Timo Stomberg
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Analysis of time series of multispectral satellite imagery for inferring plant state and growth
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it brings interdisciplinary data scientists together and supports to exchange ideas.
Watch my video about
jUngle-Net: Explainable ML to Gain Insights into the Appearance of Wilderness in Satellite Imagery

Anton Stratmann
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
High-Performance Data Pooling for Robust Deep Flux Profiling
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krumscheid
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I like computational statistics and it's application to large data problems. Also, I hope for good scientific exchange with friendly colleagues and further education.

Shyam Subbiah Pillai
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Power Procurement of Cellular Wireless Networks under Uncertain Renewable Power Generation
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I joined the HDS-LEE program because: I would like to be at the forefront of interdisciplinary, data-driven approaches toward solving modern world problems while interacting with my scientific peers in a highly stimulating environment

Maurizio Titz
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Integrating simulations and explainable artificial intelligence for power system resilience
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
it offers training in data science and facilitates exchange with other PhD students both in an interdisciplinary context.

Veronika Trávníková
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Model hierarchy for bioreactors: From physics-based to data-driven approaches
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I see the program as an opportunity to put together my background in engineering and my interest in data science. I hope to broaden my knowledge in data science through the courses offered by the program and meet other young researchers in an international and interdisciplinary environment.

Mehmet Velioglu
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Physics-Informed Neural Networks as a Hybrid Model for Process Operations
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I believe learning from the experiences of motivated researchers in an interdisciplinary environment will broaden my perspective and knowledge.

Johannes Wasmer
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Development of a surrogate machine learning model for the acceleration of first-principles calculations
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
There is no more time for science as usual. Tremendous technological challenges demand that we accelerate scientific discovery. Data science and artificial intelligence can be the engine for that. New kinds of experts must be trained who can integrate data science into all scientific domains. With the HIDA data science schools, the Helmholtz Society is doing exactly that. I am excited to be a part of this transformation!
Are you curious about my project? Take a look at my Git page

Moritz Wedemeyer
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Data-Driven Distribution Models for Robust Design of Island Energy Systems With a High Share of Renewable Electricity
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I want to attain balanced knowledge about machine learning and data science and its practical applications. Furthermore, I am excited to connect with other young and passionate researchers in the field of data science.

Kaveh Patakchi Yousefi
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Closing the Gap between Athmospheric Model-based and Observation-based Data Using Deep Learning
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I'm enthusiastic to learn about the interdisciplinary applications of AI in a variety of data science disciplines.

Marcel Zimmer
Doctoral Researcher

Title of the project
Probabilistic Machine Learning Methods for Digital Twins of Multi-Modal Energy Systems
I joined the HDS-LEE program because...
I believe that the exchange between distinct research fields offers the possibility for the most creative and successful scientific progress.